Brick Restoration Projects

Can we remove paint from brick?


Brick Restoration Brixton Hill

The levels of moisture trapped behind the paint, started to bring damage to the pointing, brick and stonework.

Our Paint Removal experts have removed the paint from the brick completely and performed a brick cleaning. Our bricklayers, replaced the damaged bricks and repointed the whole brick facade with lime mortar on a flush finish.

ACRA’s stone expert, restored the stonework to it’s old shape.

Facade restoration in Beckenham

We have increased this property value by removing the textured paint from the brickwork. Our experts have used new generation of gentle brick cleaning equipment to safely remove the paint from bricks without bringing any damage.

The stonework has been cleared of paint as well and sanded. Acra’s experts have repointed the brickwork using traditional techniques and mortar mix.


Paint Removal from Brick | Brick Cleaning | Repointing

Using traditional and modern techniques, we restored this amazing brick facade to its original glory. Our experts have removed the paint from brickwork, brick cleaning and repointed with lime mortar in a flush finish.


Restoration of Listed buildings | Brick Restoration | Stone Restoration

This property in Waltham Abbey, London, has been neglected for many years. Previously repointed with ash mortar and later covered with many layers non-breathable paint, bringing damage to the brickwork and mortar. The brick restoration experts from ACRA Exterior Cleaning Services LTD started the paint stripping process very carefully not to bring any more damage to the existing brickwork. once the paint removal process was complete, the second stage, raking the old mortar begone, using traditional technique to ensure the edge of the bricks will not get chipped. After two days of hard work, the 3rd stage is now starting, repointing the brickwork using dark lime mortar.

In the 4th stage, render removal and restore it on the top floor and also around the entrance door.


Having serious damp issues, the client has called our paint removal and brick restoration team to solve the damp problem by removing the paint from brickwork, restore the damaged bricks and repoint with breathable mortar.

Now the property has no damp issues and its VALUE has increased considerably.

paint removal in Lewisham, and repointing.

With just one phone call, the client was able to get a competitive quotation for brick cleaning, repointing, stone restoration and decoration on all elevations, fascia replacement and bricklaying the front boundary wall. After four weeks of hard work, we took the scaffolding down and now everyone can enjoy a freshly restored property in Streatham Hill at a higher VALUE then it previously was.